The sons of the Moon


The Mitogeografia and beliefs allows building a fantastic imagination about the Lençóis Island. The enchanted Lençóis Island is located in the state of Maranhão north of Brazil populated by 450 fishermen, it is also considered the residence of the King Sebastião.


The king Dom Sebastião is a historical figure killed in the battle against the Moors in the fields of Alcazarquivir in Africa in the 1578. According to the messianic belief, widespread in many part of Brazil, that the young king of Portugal had not died, but for a Moors sortilege he disappeared with all his fortune in an island with dunes similar to the Moroccan desert where the battle took place. For the believers, one day he will emerge for the bottom of the sea with his fortune, to establish is Empire and he will distribute the wealth with the people of the Island.

Despite all this the 3% of the islander are albinos, take this to a total of 18. Today Only 6 albinos lives in the island. Some of them have died, some have left to continue their study others to save their skin from such hostile temperature. Many of them have been victims of skin cancer and almost all of them are at risk.


In the imaginary World  the albinos in the Lençóis island are called “the children of the Moon” as they tend to hide themselves during the day for the strong sun , but the islander reject, as they consider a negative design, and a stereotypical image of abnormality.

“Children of the king Sebatiao.” Which is connected to the Enchantment is more accepted by them. The phenomenon of the high percentage of Albinos have been unveiled, scientifically is a consanguineous marriages descendants by Sebastiana Silva , daughter of a Portuguese and an albinos that came to the island in the 1900.

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